Sunday, August 31, 2008
I run on Diesel...
Ok, so i have a confession...I have this weird thing for Vin Diesel...I always have..i'm not sure what its about - something about that shaved head and that voice that just kills me. The reason this is coming up today is because some random television station i had on (for background noise while frantically doing my homework) was having some kind of Vin Diesel marathon or something. Every time I went into the living room, there was Vin on my television. The first movie was The Fast and the Furious a movie I'll admit to liking even if it weren't for Vin. LOL. I love action films...but anyway, so then i retreated back to my office to continue the homework and when i wandered out into the living room a couple of hours later, there he was again in xXx - though this is not a movie I've actually watched. And then, a few days ago the movie The Chronicles of Riddick was on while i was sick...So I've been inundated with Vin these last few weeks - not that i'm complaining, mind you. lol.
Thursday, August 28, 2008
Tuesday, August 26, 2008
Graduate school - or what the hell was i thinking?!?!?!
So. I'm in grad school. Had my first session tonight. I don't even know where to begin. I would like to cry. I have a feeling by the end of the week, you will find me curled in the fetal position, babbling incoherently and shaking uncontrollably.
Hate is a new cell phone...
I'm finally starting to feel a little better. I didn't go in to work again today - which is ok, for now. I've been up and about the house for a couple of hours and now just logging in to check email and such before getting back on the couch. I can't seem to get this out of my system. i have grown weary of bananas, rice, toast and applesauce, that's all the drs. are allowing me to eat until i'm completely better.
Though i have to say that at least there was no hospital this time, for which i am thankful.
So last week my beloved cell phone died. The krzr that i a panic (my cell phone is my lifeline) i ran to the T-Mobile store with a raging fever and threw myself upon the mercy of a 19 year old sales guy. All that mattered to me was that the phone would accept my sim card and i would walk out of there with a fully functional phone.
It seems that a techno-gadget loving junkie like me and a 19 y/o sales boy have very different ideas of the meaning of "fully functional". I am now in possession of a Nokia XpressMusic Slider Phone, like the picture, though mine is red. They do not offer shiny silver, like my krzr. Nor do they offer plain black.
My phone is silly and i do not like it. Normally i spend time researching and pricing my gadgets. But out of desperation, this is what i got...I believe i have two weeks in which to return it and i may very well do so next weekend. I do not have the capacity to understand all of my phone. And things like the phonebook do not make sense. For example, it lists three entries for my mother, home, work and cell. But they each just go by "Mom" - so I have to drill down a level to determine WHICH phone i'm beautiful krzr would list them all under "Mom" and i could scroll to pick the number i wanted.
i think i'm getting old....sigh...not as adaptable as i used to be....
Ok, back to couch shortly....
Sunday, August 24, 2008
Sick and tired of being sick and tired....
So, i'm feeling a touch better today. Not yet 100% though. This has been so obnoxious. Right now, i'm sitting at my desk waiting for a phone call from a classmate regarding the group project - the last thing i need to submit before i am DONE.
By this time tomorrow I will be a college graduate and a grad student.
I owe this success to a number of people, friends, family and those who fall into several categories - you know who you are! You're the ones who listened to me rant, whine and freak out - about assignments, deadlines and the general chaos that is this life that i lead....
You're the ones who believed in me, encouraged me, talked me off the various ledges i found myself upon. You're the ones who expected this of me, who didn't let me get away with any excuses. You're the ones who pushed, prodded and sometimes yelled. You're the ones who made time and accommodated and sometimes you just left me alone to do what needed to be done.
You gave of yourselves so selflessly - I will be eternally grateful.
Thank you, thank you, thank you!! I couldn't have done this without all of you!!! (and get ready for it to start all over again, lmao, sorry...)
Saturday, August 23, 2008
Still sick...
Ugh. Another day full of homework and illness. I've grown very weary of both. I need a vacation - I actually don't even feel well enough for one...though I've been toying with the idea of booking one anyway. I could really use a break....Right now all i want to do is crawl into bed..or a hot bath...Unless something amazing happens tonight I'll be back at the doctors on Monday. That'll be a great way to spend my day off. I took it off to celebrate my graduation (I planned on doing laundry and running a few errands, woo hoo, do I know how to party or what!?!?!?!).
Oh well....
Thursday, August 21, 2008
Please fasten your seat belts...
Ok, so I was surfing around and came across one of those airplane safety images and decided it needed some redecorating. Ah, the things that keep me occupied....
Tuesday, August 19, 2008
"Between the red cells and white, something's not right..."
So. the results are in. the white count is higher than it was two weeks ago and the platelets are as well.."not right" is an understatement.....
i've just started seeing Dr. Guo as my faith in western medicine has been waning these past few years...but the regular Drs. now say i need a hematologist because this is getting serious...
i'm torn. i think i want to give Dr. Guo the full month to see what happens...Yet, at the same time i'm really scared. i mean i know that this has been going on a while but it keeps getting worse...
sigh...can i please get a break? maybe i need to put the Master's program off for a bit...i am feeling a little run down...i don't know....
Monday, August 18, 2008
Ok, so while i miss being spammed by Pontificates Q. Pantyhose, some of the spam is still amusing...such as this one i received today. The subject: Nazi Toddlers Ruined My Birthday....well, hell, i can see where that would ruin a birthday...and i thought clowns were bad....
For Amanda....
As you requested, my dear! This is pretty crappy of NMC....I get sick of large corporations trying to bully people. I'm sure if this guys name happened to be Jefferson, he would have started Jefferson Computers. So stupid.
Friday, August 15, 2008
Thursday, August 14, 2008
Yellow runts are still gross...
This is a follow up to my post about yellow Runts...I wrote to Mr. Wonka about the limited real estate in a box of Runts and now it should NOT be taken up by something as nasty as those psuedo-pineapple pieces...Mr. Wonka wrote back. He thanked me for my time and concerns and then tried to pacify me. See, he tried to distract me by giving me coupons...
While this is a nice gesture, Mr. Wonka, (and quite wily, I might add) I am nobody's fool (well, ok that's not exactly true but he doesn't know that) and you cannot placate me - nor will I be distracted by your saccharine offer and trite platitudes. NAY!!! I shall fight the good fight until every box of, does that say a FREE box of Runts??
Uh...excuse me...I've got to go see a man about a horse....
Monday, August 11, 2008
Not soon enough...
This weekend was spent doing an inordinate amount of homework. Well, ok, that's not exactly true, the amount wasn't bad - its my insane desire to graduate no less than Magna Cum Laude. I have already blown the chance to graduate Summa - which has been stuck in my craw for the last few days. Damn those two B's....
Two more weeks to go - though I'm not feeling all that excited and I think its because there's no break in between the BA and the MBA program. Or maybe it will feel more real when I've got that diploma in hand or something...I don't know...
Right now it all just feels like work...and lots of it...i'm tired! LOL.
Anyway, Karen comes home tomorrow and I'm excited to see her and hear more about the trip. I hope I get to see her after work tomorrow. Their flight leaves at around midnight tonight and arrives at 5am tomorrow morning.
Thursday, August 7, 2008
Study: Not Being An Asshole Boss May Boost Employee Morale
WAUKEGAN, IL—In what is being called a breakthrough discovery in worker-administrator relations, a study released Monday in the Journal Of Occupational Science found that not being a total asshole supervisor may be linked to improved worker spirit. Read more here!!
Courtesy of Sare! :) Thanks Sare!
Courtesy of Sare! :) Thanks Sare!
Wednesday, August 6, 2008
Ok, so i think that i really did just have a bug because i woke up feeling pretty good today! :) I had a really good night. And i actually cooked for myself - and it tasted good! LMAO - no one was more surprised than i! I made broiled tilapia with a tequila, lime and garlic marinade and some steamed broccoli. Managed to set the fire alarm off again - didn't actually burn the food but the heat buildup sets it off when i forget to turn the oven fan on. Sorry, don't mean to carry on but for those of you who have survived my cooking in the past let me just say, you would have been impressed! LOL.
I've been drinking SmartWater by Glaceau lately and while I did get an A on my last three assignments, I'm not feeling any smarter. Then I realized, its SanityWater that I need...sigh...(forgive the bad photochop - i'm still learning).
Anyway, this song has been in my head this morning. A tad unusual but then such as my life has become:
Monday, August 4, 2008
i am not lost...
Ok. i'm really not sure what it is with people lately but they seem to like to tell me that i am lost. i don't really know what this means. they refuse to explain themselves or make it so esoteric that i can't possibly follow what they're saying.
i am not lost.
i may not know exactly where i'm headed and i don't know exactly where i want to be but i know where i am and where i've been and i know where i don't want to be!!
i am not lost.
while i'm figuring a few things out and exploring new waters, i don't believe that this necessarily makes me "lost".
i don't claim to be found either but i am not lost. Or so i thought. So then i looked up lost....
Princeton ( says:
- no longer in your possession or control; unable to be found or recovered
- confused: having lost your bearings; confused as to time or place or personal identity
- spiritually or physically doomed or destroyed
- not gained or won
- incapable of being recovered or regained
- not caught with the senses or the mind
- bemused: deeply absorbed in thought
- baffled: perplexed by many conflicting situations or statements; filled with bewilderment
- helpless: unable to function; without help
- doomed: people who are destined to die soon
Ok, so the first does not apply. I am most certainly possessed. LMAO. And i can be confused at times - but who isn't?? i certainly hope that i am not spiritually or physically doomed - what are these people, demented cruel psychics?? I don't think i fit the recovered definition. Now maybe that one about not having my mind - thats a distinct possibility but that's not very nice of them to say...on occasion i am baffled but not on a regular basis - and who isn't?...and i don't think i'm helpless - at least not totally. And the last one, gee thanks.
Sunday, August 3, 2008
Domain, homework and cat attack....
i finally got around to transferring my domain! YAY! is now functional - well sorta. There are some tweaks needed but for the most part, its working. i knew it needed to be done but i was loath to deal with it. Though i bit the bullet and it was worth it! :)
I'm really trying to get my homework done today and again its a struggle. AbbyCat has been glued to me and doing everything in her power to irritate me. She's been sitting on the keyboard while i'm trying to type. She formatted my spreadsheet for me - thanks, Cakes. lol. She's also been running around with a sock in her mouth crying for the last hour - i think she might be trying to drive me insane...
i'm waiting on PeaPod to arrive and actually deliver food to my house. i've been living off of onions (i have beer too but not drinking much any more) and some crackers for the last three weeks. i have no idea when they're going to show up but i've left the door open with a note so they can just come in while i'm plugging away at my papers. Probably not the safest thing in the world but then risky behavior has been my middle name as of late.
Anyway, this was merely a little break for me. Got to continue my SWOT analysis of Google. (I'm stressing massively today and I'm finding any excuse to distract myself from the evils of my homework).
Friday, August 1, 2008
So close I can taste it...
23 days until graduation!!!
24 days until grad school!
25 days until i go completely mad....
Had a minor set back regarding my health yesterday. Combined with a demanding work day the news made me spiral into depression. I lost it on my poor coworkers. My blood tests came back and my white cell count is really high again. This has been happening for the past 3+ years. They still can't figure it out and always freak me with talk of leukemia. I go back in two weeks for more tests - and there is a possibility that I merely have an infection. Though with my history I doubt it.
But i got some sleep and rallied this morning.
However, I have been through this before and survived. I am going to rail against getting back on the chemo though (or any of those other drugs). Those are only for last resorts now. I am going to continue on with my newly adopted healthier lifestyle and soldier on.
Karen returns from India/Nepal in a handful of days. It will be nice to have her home and safe. I feel badly that her camera was stolen. If you're interested, you can check out the site I run for them (Karen and Patrick) while they They always have some amazing pictures.
Anyway, lunch is over and I need to get back at it!
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