Monday, August 11, 2008

Not soon enough...

This weekend was spent doing an inordinate amount of homework. Well, ok, that's not exactly true, the amount wasn't bad - its my insane desire to graduate no less than Magna Cum Laude. I have already blown the chance to graduate Summa - which has been stuck in my craw for the last few days. Damn those two B's....

Two more weeks to go - though I'm not feeling all that excited and I think its because there's no break in between the BA and the MBA program. Or maybe it will feel more real when I've got that diploma in hand or something...I don't know...
Right now it all just feels like work...and lots of it...i'm tired! LOL.

Anyway, Karen comes home tomorrow and I'm excited to see her and hear more about the trip. I hope I get to see her after work tomorrow. Their flight leaves at around midnight tonight and arrives at 5am tomorrow morning.