Thus far, I've had accounts at places created using my email address - which while irritating, is not terribly difficult to deal with. The person has used the name "Kim" with various last names and created a variety of accounts. I just close the account and move on. But it often involves a bunch of stupidity (why I hate dealing with customer service centers, generally) - just one example of the idiocy I encounter when I try to get rid of the accounts - after already having explained the issue - that someone, who is not me, used my email address to create an account (obviously they did not read the original support ticket where I tell them who I am and what has occurred):
Let me repeat myself again and again and again...please |
Now my Twitter account has been compromised (not that I use it much at all, and I did manage to get it back no worse for wear) and there have been repeated attempts to access my Facebook account:
No, Facebook, in fact I did NOT request to have my pw reset...and certainly not twice in the same day! |
There have also been attempts to access my Gmail account as well as my PayPal. It's become tiresome... Obviously, someone has so little in their life, they have to resort to this childish behavior. Thankfully, my RL is rich enough that this isn't more than a mild irritation, that really shouldn't even warrant this blog post. But I think it amusing that someone has so much time on their hands. To have irked someone so much to drive them to such behavior, truly amuses...
Funny, it's only happening to accounts where my email address is used, and only my primary email address. Not ones where I have a username or where I have used an alternate email address, which are completely varied. So it's someone who only has my email address to go off of.
In my irritation over having to deal with all of this, I deleted a bunch of the emails and such, not wanting to linger on this idiocy, having saved little more than a couple of the emails as shown above. I wish I had realized that there was going to be a long term pattern or I would have saved more of the items - though to what end, I know not. It does not matter.
Months of this subtle harassment have gone on. And after receiving that anonymous email back in December, I'm really just done - I can't imagine who is at the bottom of all of this, nor do I really want to. I've updated my passwords and just keep shutting down the random accounts.
Speaking of RL - it's amazing. :-) I'm sorry I had forgotten the awesomesauce of a life less virtual. What a waste of time by comparison. There is part of me that regrets having spent three years on such worthlessness. Spending my valuable time with people who have to invent a virtual life because their real lives are so lacking in meaning and substance. Their achievements are meaningless out of context, have no impact on the real world - all in the name of "fun". And in context, so what? It's fairly meaningless there too.
Fun is to not be chained to a computer, to have actual contact with real people, exchange real ideas and actually do things that make a difference. To have real experiences - to really feel things (both tangible and intangible).
To think, I was counted amongst those ranks is laughable now. Since December the things I have actually done amounted to more than what I had done in those three years.
My recent vexation required some introspection - and what it boiled down to was my real life and the stupidity were at serious odds and I was being dragged back in again. It angered me to the point of losing my temper on a couple of occasions. And then it dawned upon me, I don't want to be sucked back in. My real life is far more interesting and important than the nonsense. And those who wish to keep me engaged in it aren't really worthwhile. What I want for my life is what I am going out and getting. And spending any more time on the idiocy isn't going to get me the things that I want.
Now, regret can only go so far because out of that time, I come away with Snowy, Mai, Lisa, Beau, Kevin, and Ry just to name a few - people who have changed my life for the better, people whom I love without question, without hesitation. People who reciprocate, radiate and reflect that same love back. And, had things not gone the way that they have, I may not be in the current position that I am - which would be truly unfortunate. The Fates have a wicked sense of humor. ;-)
This weekend should be fun, Friday is date night, Saturday I've got errands, shopping, and plans with my Grasshopper (hopefully, I'll get some Snowy/coffee talk this weekend too), Sunday is a BBQ with the family and Monday will be my usual laundry, some work around the condo and probably reading - unless my new someone dangles something shiny in front of me, as he is wont to do. And yes, yes - I will get in some studying too - ugh. Lol.
In closing, my message to my "fan" is this, get a life. A real one. If you don't find it much more rewarding than trying to irritate me, you should also seek some help. You obviously have larger issues that need addressing. And if it's more than one person participating, maybe you can get a group rate. :-)