Radio pounding.....focus on lyrics rather than his fingers tangled in my pig down, music coursing through my veins....pulsating....headlight vibrating, almost in time...I think of HIDs, and awolnation, and 45 (let somebody else lay at my feet), and hello kitty toast, and the texas sky, and truth....anything, lips taste of his....I set my hair free...the night wind has its wicked way as I turn up the music...beautiful and complicated he said....don't fool yourself, I said....the argument refused.....debatable at best.....He wants. I want. But of what?...tin panels vibrate in my head....fake pearls drip like candle wax....and I am tangled in the netting...
I digress and run a brush through my hair....
The pieces are all there, making them fit in the right order is the challenge....