Tuesday, May 22, 2012


I'm not sure what the heck happened today - the planetary alignment must be right. Or weird.  Best client meeting ever. I love good client meetings. Even brought me a toy to play with. Lol.

I'm going to go to dinner tonight but mainly to tell him it's not going to work out. Sigh. Poor guy - after two years of chasing, I say yes but only to decide that I'm going to say no.

I keep trying to deny the other. I want to deny him. I should deny him. But today He left me speechless. He does that at times. It's not an easy feat. :P

Thought today was oddly good....went to horoscope just for fun:

Confirms what I was just thinking....

So I shall wait a little longer before I admit. ;-)

And thanks for the ear, B-dog.