Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Research = HATE

This class i am taking is one that covers what i almost consider a non-topic. We are going through the steps one must take in order to do research to make business decisions. The book and subject are tedious at best. The assignments are laborious and confusing. As I was saying to Sare, I would rather take Econ, Stats or Accounting all over again than this class.

My weekend was spent on homework, as usual - though i did get caught up on some of that "life" stuff too that i had neglected because of my prolonged illness. I also got to catch up on sleep - while i generally feel better, i still tire rather easily.

I have grown weary of school - in part simply because i have no interest in the majority of the subjects but more so because i have other pursuits these days that simply trump everything else. I would much rather meditate upon my various states of being than be forced to think about fictional personnel issues at some fictional company.


I need to say THANK YOU to Sare and Cindo for their thoughtful graduation present - i love it and have already begun to fill it up! You two are the best!!!

Anyway, I've got some lads to harass on what's left of my lunch hour! :D