Dear Santa,
Since my neighbors have hung up their garland and a few ornaments already, I figure it's not too early to send you my list.
1) A pony or unicorn. No, I will never stop asking for this.
2) A Dunkin Donuts that follows me around dispensing XL cups of coffee, cream and sugar.
3) Obama for another term or 6.
4) A bowl of chewy sweethearts that replenishes itself.
5) A working Mitt Romney voodoo doll.
6) A closet full of sparkle purses and shoes.
7) Everyone must read before opening their mouths to spout off on the latest political idiocy.
8) The ability to fly or at least ride clouds.
9) Hello Kitty as my real pet.
10) A cure for the worlds ills.
11) A pony.
12) Nail polish that doesn't chip.
13) A helper monkey.
14) A pony.
15) A clear bubble around me that is a bug free zone at all times.
16) Bring my Abby back.
17) More love in the world, fewer hurts and even less hate.
18) Soap that tastes as good as it smells.
19) A pony.
20) For people to realize that when they take a little girl in, she is not disposable, she is not going to fit into your predetermined cookie cutter shape and you should not be allowed to take the cowards way out - and you take her as she is, maybe she's a little damaged, but you work with her because there's still light left in her eyes. And you love her because that's all she really needs.