Nothing finer on a rainy fall night than to slip into a cozy little restaurant for fondue. Warm cheese and chocolate kept liquid by blue flames. The walls were warm red and the music was relaxed and melted into the rainy night air.
I was a touch out of sorts - contemplative and quiet. Content to listen to boyfriend talk, interjecting apologies in silences that I would normally fill with my own contributions. The rain streaked down the window behind me, like clear liquid snakes.
We dipped apples and bread in liquid swiss, cooked steak and ended with molten chocolate covering fruit, angel food cake and marshmallows. Thoroughly indulgent and utterly delicious. I do suspect that the decaf coffee I ordered last night was not quite so decaf since I was up way past my bedtime without being totally sleepykitty.
Sated, we made our way back to the street, the Chicago skies growling above. Wind causing leaves to pour down, conspiring with the thick rain drops. We walked and if I hadn't been so cold, I would have petitioned for a longer stroll. I enjoy being in the rain, it's like redemption - like nature washing me clean again.
I cut the evening short, having work in the morning. He drove me to my car, pulling me in for a whiskered kiss - he hadn't shaved. It was scratchy and funny. My silence persisted.