Monday, April 2, 2012
Slightly Less Hateful...
Ok, so I get it. He's his kid. I ">ranted on about hating this man ( And I do hate him on some levels but I also understand it's his child. I don't want to understand, I want to continue to indulge in the rage. Why this kid? Why not the other two? Not that I want him to have the others either but this is the kid I love so much. This is the kid I take to tae kwon do and GameWorks. He's MINE and this man cannot have him back. He did not do a good job to begin with and he will not do a good job moving forward. The damage is too great.
I don't like to hate. It makes me feel so..icky...and I take it out in other areas of my life when it's things like this - things I have no control over.
The lawyer says while the odds are in our favor, there is the possibility...It just makes me crazy to think that there is even a possibility... has been nuts lately and I've had some busy days.
Took Tash out for a belated birthday lunch, we went to one of my favorite little italian cafes, I had a delicious spinach quiche, fruit salad and a mimosa that was a bit too tangy for my liking. We laughed lots and caught up. It was really nice.
Well, it's late and I'm up indulging in a few words with one of my shinies but I should get some sleep.