Weirdly people have been trying to talk to me about "God" - I don't know why people insist. I have no desire to debate or discuss the topic, really. I know I talk about sinning a bit but it's only in my own context. My sins are not those of some sort of biblical decree but my own violations of what I think is wrong/right.
My sins are relatively benign, by comparison and I think I do a much better job of punishing myself for them than any "God".....
I've been asked how I have a sense of morality and, unfortunately, I don't think I have a very good response. I really don't know. I just have a sense of what is right and wrong and what is good for the collective human consciousness and my own well being.
I do not know what drives this but I don't think it is some higher power and I grow weary of people trying to make me justify things - I try to do what is right. I am not perfect, I do not always do the right thing. But I try not to harm others - or myself for that matter.
And that should be good enough for everyone....
I do pray - but it is not to some supreme being. It's more like talking to my own being. Hoping to find the strength to do the right thing even when it it would be gratifying to do something else....LOL....
I have sinned in my own mind recently - no actions - but the thoughts are enough to drive me to despair, guilt....And my punishment is severe.
I have seen my own heaven and hell.....Lived through both...though some parts linger....sigh...