Saturday, November 29, 2008

Danger, Will Robinson, Danger.....

I am disturbed by a recent event involving the Belgian Minister of Defense (De Crem) and a NYC bartender (Bakker). If it is true the way Bakker tells it, then it really is disturbing....And to some extent, if its not true, De Crem's statements are still unsettling...

It seems that a drunk De Crem was in a bar tended by Bakker and he starting carrying on about how he was there on taxpayer money for a meeting he knew was canceled but he wanted to see the city anyway. She (Bakker) then blogged about the incident (its in Dutch), which incensed De Crem. He made a call to Bakker's boss and shortly thereafter Bakker was fired. Though De Crem claims that his call was not meant to get her fired - YEAH RIGHT! Forker. (Click here for more on the story).

De Crem went on to make a statement about how we bloggers are "a dangerous phenomenon in our society"...Uh, yeah....You think that drunken governmental officials (especially maybe ministers of DEFENSE) who go spouting off in bars are NOT DANGEROUS? Its the rest of us who might report the incident that are the danger...Hmm...could the danger be that your rep might be sullied and your bad behavior is exposed for all the world to see, rather than have it confined to the bar and the handful of people who Bakker, and other patrons, might have told? Maybe the danger is officials who cannot control themselves in public? Maybe the danger is really is the officials who ABUSE taxpayer money and then have the audacity to brag about it?

De Crem went on to say "We live in a time where everybody is free to publish whatever he or she wants on blogs at will without taking any responsibility" - First - saying whatever we want is a BAD thing? OMG. I dont' even know how to address how WRONG that is! Lets to back to censorship and book banning, can we please?

TAKE NO RESPONSIBILITY? WTF? How am I NOT responsible for what I say? I take responsibility for what I post. I think that many bloggers do...And yes, I might pause to think about what I post - just in the off chance it comes back to bite me later but even if I don't, I still take responsibility! And I don't think that Bakker would say that she takes no responsibility for her post. And damnit, she has every right to post it.

I am disgusted by the whole thing. Yes, I am a danger because I have an opinion and I like to share it. I am a danger because I have half a brain (on some days) and might actually write about something that happened to me or someone else....I hope this whole things continues to backfire right in De Crem's face - until he apologies to his country and to Bakker for being such an ass!

Maybe, De Crem, you need to think about your poor behavior rather than focusing upon those who observed you. And had you not made a big deal about this, I think the incident would have slipped by most of us as we get caught up in the holiday madness. And while you're at it, De Crem, take some responsibility for YOUR ACTIONS!

Monday, November 24, 2008

Mondays, snow, traffic = HATE

The pic is a pre-latte one of me...

Today is hate-filled. Its Monday. It was snowing. The commute was evil. Parking was a beast. Came into the office to find a million things on my desk and even more email. I'm looking forward to the Thanksgiving break but fear what next Monday will hold...

Apparently, I'm a bit crabby. LOL....

There is much to be done this week and I'm not looking forward to the insanity that the holidays bring....Its all downhill from here...

I need a vacation - deserted island, hammock, frosty drink and a little companionship...sigh...

Sunday, November 23, 2008

Giving thanks....

Well, for all the trials in this life, I must admit to being very thankful for all that I am fortunate to have! I have been afforded a nice life - comparatively speaking! LOL. I have loving friends and family and that in itself makes me incredibly lucky!

Things have been fairly stressful this past week but I reflected and gained a little perspective...

Anyway, I'm up to my eyeballs in homework and picking up the apartment.

Happy Thanksgiving to all!

Sunday, November 16, 2008

Telemarketers = WTF?

my television died recently. it was old...i happen to have been watching it when the screen went crazy, then the audio went crazy, there was a popping sound and finally a strange i went and bought a new television. i went to Sears (its all of 5 blocks from my apartment) and bought a Sylvania LCD tv. Its ok. i wouldn't say i'm thrilled but really its fine. i don't care enough....i only like a couple of shows...

i weighed the options between plasma and LCD and opted for the LCD for several reasons. i'm not going to go into them. And i hate arguing with the proponents of plasma (i have my reasons and its too late anyway so SHUT UP). I did NOT opt for the extended protection plan as i just didn't feel the television warranted it.

While i looked around, i talked to the sales guy (total cutie by the way) who actually understood my reasoning (thanks cute sales guy!) and we had a nice long discussion about the virtues and vices of both plasma and LCD sets. He knew he was going to get a sale and i really thought that he was pretty up front about the various sets they were offering. i had done some research online first and had some ideas of what was going on with some of the models and he echoed much of what was being said online. Cute Sales Guy said that in his experience the model i ended up buying didn't come back often and he was unaware of any excessive problems.

At checkout i opted not to go with the extended protection plan - figuring that the set only has to last a few years and its not totally critical like my computers or cell phone.

Anyway...about two years ago i bought a vacuum cleaner from Sears...i purchased a higher end one because i'm crazy about vacuuming and put a lot of miles on my vacuum. i bought the extended protection program for it - normally i don't but with as much as i use the vacuum i figured it wasn't a bad idea.

What this is all leading up to is the phone call i got this morning. it was from Sears. They want me to buy an extended protection plan because basically the television is going to blow up very soon. According to the woman who called, i bought an inferior television set. She told me how all of the flat screen televisions sold by Sears end up breaking. And how many of the problems occur within the first two years....She attributed it to the newer technology of flat screens....


i told her that i did not want the plan and were my tv to break as she expects it to, i will just take it back there and throw it through the window and i hope that their windows have an extended protection plan...there was nothing more to be said.

Friday, November 14, 2008


I was sitting around, having difficulties concentrating (as usual), and suddenly, through a combination of random thoughts and a few conversations I was wondering just how paranoid should I be...and I've decided that I should be very paranoid...I don't know what the average amount of paranoia is...Nor do I know what a healthy amount of paranoia is but all of that said, I think I am not nearly paranoid enough...

Time to crank up the paranoia....

Thursday, November 13, 2008

Seriously deranged....

Deliriously happy...

Starting to think that I've completely lost my mind....

I'm being annoyed by my own good mood...LOL....

That's it!! I've finally cracked! LMAO...

Not sure what the deal is lately...I was thinking how it hadn't been a particularly good week and yet I think it actually has been. Got to spend the weekend with my sister and family (read: cutest baby ever!). Amanda (my niece) got herself a job. I have a new purse and lamp (not sure how those factor in, really, LOL)....But overall I'm feeling pretty lucky...

So I was reading an interesting speech by the CEO of IBM (Palmisano) and he believes that the answer to our economic woes lies in technology and I must admit that I agree with him. While what he proposes, of course, would benefit IBM (to some extent), I really believe that he's spot on. Though he did mention RFIDs which get my conspiracy theory/big brother fears all stirred up....LAMO (yes, Sarah, that's LAMO).

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Send my condolences to good....

Its been a week of ups and downs that have left me...oddly neutral.....I'm starting my networking class and I have a feeling that there are going to be a lot of late nights in my future! Still trying to find that balance between work, school and having somewhat of a life - it hasn't been going well these past few months, LOL.

Got to see my little angels Riley and Jack - sigh...those kids are just too cute....Granted I'm pretty biased...

Jan came in for the weekend - which was really nice....Its always hard when loved ones are spread out so far...But it always makes for a hectic time as everyone is vying for her time...

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Could it be true??? It IS!!! Time for CHANGE!!!

I know its still early, i know, but I can't help myself. I am really quite excited to be living right now as we are on the eve of electing our first African-American president - and not just that but someone who i actually like....well, as much as i like any politician.....I was invited to join some friends at the rally in Grant Park but declined - for as excited as i am, i am still a people-hating hermit...

This is truly historic....and i really am thrilled to be witnessing it!



It is true!!!! For the first time, in a long time, i'm not totally ashamed to be an American...

Can you tell I'm excited by my excessive use of punctuation?!?! :D


Granted, I voted for the DRE 700:

Voting Machines Elect One Of Their Own As President

Monday, November 3, 2008

An unsatisfying but enduring relationship....

Why do I always fall for the unavailable??

Unavailable calls....

I answer...

Unavailable sits quietly on the other end....

Hello? Hello?

Unavailable sits quietly on the other end....

HELLO? (I plead)

Unavailable hangs up....

Rinse and repeat....

Unavailable taunts....Unavailable dangles the carrot and I cannot resist...

When will I learn?


Sunday, November 2, 2008