Deliriously happy...
Starting to think that I've completely lost my mind....
I'm being annoyed by my own good mood...LOL....
That's it!! I've finally cracked! LMAO...
Not sure what the deal is lately...I was thinking how it hadn't been a particularly good week and yet I think it actually has been. Got to spend the weekend with my sister and family (read: cutest baby ever!). Amanda (my niece) got herself a job. I have a new purse and lamp (not sure how those factor in, really, LOL)....But overall I'm feeling pretty lucky...
So I was reading an interesting speech by the CEO of IBM (Palmisano) and he believes that the answer to our economic woes lies in technology and I must admit that I agree with him. While what he proposes, of course, would benefit IBM (to some extent), I really believe that he's spot on. Though he did mention RFIDs which get my conspiracy theory/big brother fears all stirred up....LAMO (yes, Sarah, that's LAMO).