Ok, here are some guidelines for the next guy I go out with:
1) He must have read at least one book, in his lifetime, on purpose and for no other purpose than to have read it. Manuals and atlases do NOT count....
2) He must be able to use and/or understand polysyllabic words. I will NOT accept multi-syllable grunts....
3) He must have showered at least sometime in the last 24 hour period. There are NO exceptions to this.
4) He will either be able to spell or know how to use spell check. There is NO Google translation for IDIOT to ENGLISH and I am not going to waste any more time deciphering incoherent text messages, emails, etc....I get enough of those from my users.
5) He will under NO circumstances think that wearing a leather jacket with Disney's Enchanted Castle patches emblazoned upon the arms is a good thing (this rule was developed on the Metra today - three guesses why). I don't care why you have the jacket. It is NOT cool. It is NOT ok.
Well, that's it for now. I'm tired. I had my admissions interview this evening and a loooong conversation with my academic adviser. I am wiped out! Night!