Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Times like these....

In times of crisis it's so true that your real friends are the ones who rally around you. This has been an interesting experience for me. When people call me a friend or I consider them a "friend" there are things that are implied - certain expectations that are simply understood.

My life has been in a state of crisis for the past few months. Between the chemotherapy, my illnesses, my mothers illness, going back to school, a full time job, and the day to day things that make life, well, the struggle that it often is....my life is just that, a struggle (though I remain optimistic). So, it is during these times that the true meaning of love and friendship are put to the test. And the majority of the people that have been in my life as of late, have sadly failed this test miserably. I believe that some part of me chooses people who are like my father - someone who also failed this test repeatedly. When the going get tough, the weak bail. I don't believe this is coincidental. I just have to unlearn this pattern and be more selective.

I owe my real friends a big thank you! Your true colors have shown through and your support and love and encouragement are appreciated! I love you all and you know who you are. You are the ones that have called me almost daily and emailed me even when I was unable to respond. You are the ones who just sit with me when I can't speak. You are the reason I am getting through with so few scars! :) Thank you, again and again and again.....

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