So...there I sat, an assortment of sushi for linner (yes, linner or dunch, if you prefer)...feeling off...conflicting emotions....I try to stay so positive. Keep up the front - if you convince yourself to feel something long enough, it eventually will stick, right - when this song came on...a song I hadn't heard in years....the specific song is not relative...and I felt the burning begin...behind my eyes...and the next thing I knew, warm wet rivers running down my cheeks...droplets darkening my shirt...
That hope I had, I found brief comfort in...The idea that things could...That there might be a chance...but it left, I was mistaken - at least I think I was....There is no way for me to know...It was just a thought...And I hate that it existed at all...
The rivers pooled into dark lakes on my OMS tshirt...stormy seas with expanding shores as the rivers fed into them...
This too shall pass...just wish it would pass faster...