Thursday, March 8, 2012

Good Grief...

I've always considered myself reasonably articulate....but in some cases it seems that no matter how many times you articulate yourself people will put their own spin on things. There are some things that are open for interpretation but "I'm only interested in friendship" is not one of them.

Or at least that's how I feel about that statement. Others seem to take that as "Push harder for something more" until my patience is raw and I lose my composure.

Thankfully, I do not feel guilty for asserting myself. This, while unfortunate for the other party, is my reality. I'm really unsure of how much more clear I could be. As I know all too well, simply because we want something to be true, does not mean it is going to be so. And no amount of effort can change some things.

Sigh. Wish in one hand and spit in the other and see which fills up faster.

More on this later....blogging from my phone is difficult.